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FAQ Can You Recommend a (Forex) Alert Service?

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Caveat Emptor
New traders are often all too willing to get their wallets out, thinking they can buy a short cut to financial freedom. Even when you're dealing with good vendors selling reputable products, this rarely ever works. Given that many of the vendors out there - some would say most - are crooks selling nothing but pipe dreams - you need to be incredibly vigilant about who you hand over your money to. Our advice is not to pay anyone a penny - regardless of how credible they may appear - without first undertaking extensive due diligence, starting with these two FAQs:
How Can I Distinguish Between Scams and Reputable Vendors?
Can You Recommend a Mentor, Coach or Trading Course?

Can We Recommend a (Forex) Alert Service? No, sorry!
Matching prospective subscribers to an alert service is almost as tricky as matching two single people looking for love. Just like people, alerts services come in all shapes and sizes and cater for a wide selection of needs. Only you know your personal circumstances and what your trading objectives are.

But I Just Want to Make a Few Quid – That’s All!
Sure you do – we all do. However, how each of us achieves this goal varies from one trader to the next. T2W can’t recommend any one service in particular because, if we did, all the others would complain like mad. More importantly, if we recommended one and it didn’t work out for you, then you’d complain like mad! Instead, what this FAQ aims to do is to highlight the different types of services available and provide the necessary help and advice to enable you to find the best service tailored to meet your personal needs. These are governed by the amount of time, money and effort that you want (or don’t want) to devote to your trading.

A Two Step Approach
The Long Answer starts off by outlining the range of services available. If you have a clear idea of what you want, you can skip this section and go straight to the section entitled ‘HOW TO AVOID THE ROGUES AND FIND THE PROS’. This provides practical suggestions to help you navigate your way through the myriad of services available (many of which are a waste of money) and, hopefully, find the one that ‘does what it says on the tin’ at a price you can afford. Additionally, please note the paragraph entitled 'Caveat Emptor' above, and don't pay anyone a penny until you're read the links!
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Can you Recommend a (Forex) Alert Service?


The Chinese Proverb
For the purposes of this FAQ, an alert service is an umbrella term that’s used to describe vendors who provide all manner of signals, tips and alerts about what to trade and when. They tend to be distinct from trading coaches and mentors who, generally speaking, teach people how to trade. The difference between the two camps is summed up well by the Chinese proverb: ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life’. By and large, vendors of alerts services tend not to want their subscribers to learn how to fish (trade) by themselves because, as soon as they can do that, they’ll no longer need an alerts service! If you’re interested in learning how to trade, then there are 2 sibling FAQs which might be of interest to you: Can You Recommend a Mentor, Coach or Trading Course? and How Can I Distinguish Between Scams and Reputable Vendors?

There is No ‘One Size Fits All’ Service
Although the original question is specific to the Forex market, the principles described here apply to all tradable markets. By its very nature, this curious niche of the trading industry changes on a daily basis and is populated by market professionals at one extreme and common crooks at the other. Because it’s such a volatile and fluid environment, any recommendations made here will be out of date in no time at all. Additionally, because the range of services is so wide, as is the spectrum of prospective customers who buy them, there isn’t really a ‘one size fits all’ service. Therefore, rather than making specific recommendations, this FAQ will endeavour to outline how members can set about finding the right service for them, tailored to fit their budget and personal circumstances.

From Macro to Micro – There’s a Service for Everyone
Alert services range from being quite vague and general market observations, through to very specific, detailed and unambiguous instructions. An example of the former might be a list of stocks in a weekly newsletter which, in the editor’s opinion, are set to sky rocket to the heavens or plummet to the ocean depths. No indication is given about how to trade them, i.e. where to enter trades, place stops or to take profits etc. At the other end of the spectrum is a mobile text message which reads: ‘Buy XYZ now at XXXX.00 or lower. Stop at YYYY.00, 1st profit target at ZZZZ.00’. A half way house service might be a daily e-mail before the market opens which reads: ‘XYZ is considered bullish if it breaks above XXXX.00 and bearish if it breaks below YYYY.00’. As with the equities newsletter, it’s then up to the subscriber to decide how best to use the information.

Finding the Right Service for You
Before embarking on your search for an alerts service, it’s worth giving some thought to the sort of service you want and will be able to take advantage of. If you’re in full time employment, a text message to ‘buy XYZ right now’ might not be suitable. It’s bound to come just as your boss calls you into his/her office for a meeting and you don’t have time to place your orders. Murphy’s Law dictates that the trades you miss are winners and the ones you catch are losers. The other factor to consider is your level of trading knowledge and experience. If you’re a complete novice and don’t know your bid from your ask, then a comprehensive ‘all singing, all dancing’ service might be the best option. On the other hand, if you have some trading experience, a more discretionary based service might suit you better.

Set & Forget
A popular route that is often seen as being the holy grail of alert services – regardless of your trading skills and personal circumstances – is the ‘set and forget’ service. Some of these will require you to place your own stop or limit orders, while others will include some software that plugs into your trading platform and does all the clever stuff for you. So, even when you’re having that meeting with your boss, or you’re asleep in the dead of night, you don’t have to worry about missing potentially profitable trades. Your computer is merrily toiling away, making the six figure salary from your day job look like beer money. Well, that’s the theory anyway!

Chat Rooms
Another popular type of alert service which has enjoyed huge growth in recent years is the live chat room. Courtesy of modern technology, you can be sitting in your study at home, while listening to a trading guru based on the other side of the world, offering their market insights and making live calls. Chat rooms offer some distinct advantages over most other types of alert services. Firstly, they’re live, so they’re difficult to beat when it comes to timely alerts! Secondly, they’re interactive, so you can ask questions and, thirdly, scam merchants tend to shy away from them as their lack of expertise would be quickly exposed by any knowledgeable customers in the room. Talking of scams . . .

The Nearest Thing to Legalised Fraud

Unfortunately, there are loads of unscrupulous vendors around, many of whom know next to nothing about trading. They can’t trade profitably for themselves or anyone else. Their skill, such as it is, is in selling dreams to the gullible. Most vendors aren’t regulated, so anyone can put up a website offering a signalling service for $99.00 per month – or whatever. It’s very tricky for law enforcement agencies to prosecute the rip-off merchants because their service is merely to provide the alert itself. If you pay a monthly subscription for a daily e-mail and you receive one, then the vendor has fulfilled their obligation to you and provided the service that they’re contracted to do. The fact that you lost money on every single alert that you traded is neither here nor there. Without doubt, for unscrupulous vendors, offering a trading alert service is tantamount to legalised fraud. Before parting with any money for such services, you need to proceed with extreme caution, undergo due diligence and heed the wise Latin warning: ‘caveat emptor’.

Navigate the Storm with the Help of T2W
Filtering out the good from the bad can be like finding a needle in a haystack. It’s time consuming and often quite difficult. Prospective punters that don’t know anything about trading are especially vulnerable, as they don’t know what questions to ask or the tell tale signs to watch out for. However, it must be stressed that while the rogues are ubiquitous, there are good services to be found, run by experienced and successful traders who charge a fair price. The next section of the FAQ will outline some of the points to have on your check list which, hopefully, will sieve out the worst of the cowboys and help you to find the right service for you.

Common Sense Approach

First and foremost, a common sense approach is required. How likely is it that a service you pay $99.00 a month for is going to enable you to take the £500 that great aunt Ethel left you in her will and turn it into a million pounds in six months? You’d be amazed how many services make such outlandish claims. The old adage ‘if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn’t’, is a good starting point for filtering out the cowboys. Sites that continually make reference to ‘financial freedom’ and ‘live the life of your dreams’ and are scattered with images of fast cars, big houses and yachts adorned with scantily clad lovelies – are generally to be avoided.

Trials & Guarantees
Many alerts services will offer a free trial period. Be wary of those that don’t - unless they provide clear reasons for not doing so. Failing that, they should at least offer some sort of guarantee. Extreme caution needs to be taken here though, as many guarantees aren’t worth the virtual paper they’re written on. A common tactic adopted by dubious vendors is to offer a guaranteed 100% full refund if you can demonstrate that you’ve taken every alert provided and executed all trades exactly as the vendor specifies. Usually, this is over a prolonged period of time. If you miss any trades, or enter or exit them in a manner different to the way they advise – you won’t qualify for a refund. In reality, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll execute trades exactly as they specify, day in and day out, even with plug-in software executing trades for you. There are just too many variables, e.g. computer performance, connection speeds, different brokers, trading platforms and slippage etc.

Independent Reviews
Do a search on T2W for the service(s) you’ve shortlisted as there may be a thread about it. If you’re not sure how to do a search, this sticky explains all: Essentials Of General Trading Chat Additionally, there may be a review in the Reviews section of the site. Lastly, you could always start a bespoke thread of your own, asking members for their comments and experiences. A note of caution about any review - be it good or bad. Reviews that are overly gushing in praise need to be taken with a pinch of salt, as do very negative ones. On the one hand, friends and family of vendors have been known to write very positive reviews while, on the other hand, competitors offering similar products / services have been known to trash the opposition.

Testimonials & References
Many sites will offer testimonials from satisfied customers, many of whom will claim to have made huge sums of money very quickly. Whilst it’s understandable why vendors provide them, they don’t have much value and no decisions should be made on the strength of them. Ask for the contact details of a fully paid up subscriber who’s willing to provide a reference. Then ask that person detailed questions about the service. Are they making consistent profits using the service and what are its strengths and weaknesses etc.

Google Searches
Do a Google search with as many variations on the search criteria as possible, i.e. don’t just search the name of the service itself. Perhaps the sales copy refers to a bespoke system, technique or strategy that you could also search? Good companies will, often as not, produce few search results. The real rogues will produce many results (often with ‘scam’ in the title) and have threads devoted to them on sites like www.scam.com Even in such cases, care should be taken, as legitimate vendors can be victims of internet trolls or unhappy customers who have unrealistic expectations. Sadly, for some people, there can be a massive discrepancy between their naive expectations and cold, hard reality!

Names & Faces
Is there an individual – or individuals – running the service that you can research? Look under the ‘About Us’ section of their website to see if individual company representatives are listed. If so, search them. (Be very wary of sites that don't list one or two of the key people behind it or provide ways of contacting them.) Some of the best known sites trade on the reputation of their owner. One or two are big names in the industry; others often have a long standing and credible track record with sites like T2W. The greater the public profile of the vendors, the easier it is to research them and, hopefully, to eliminate them from the list of rogue cowboys.

Professional Website
When it comes to everyday purchases over the internet, for many of us, a professional looking site offers some reassurance. However, with alerts services, some of the better ones are often very plain, even dull looking. The reason is that such sites tend to be for existing subscribers to use and aren’t really designed to attract new customers. The sites that shout the loudest and make the biggest claims are often the ones to avoid. The point being that an amateur looking site isn’t necessarily a reflection of the service that’s provided. That said, be very wary of sites that offer few contact details. Ethical vendors with a legitimate product or service have nothing to hide and should make it easy for (prospective) customers to contact them. Besides an e-mail address, they should provide a telephone number and a snail mail address too. If there’s a number – phone it. If there’s an answer phone, leave a message and ask them to return your call. Make a note of the name of anyone you speak to and their position within the company.

Have an Exit Strategy
This suggestion is a tad negative as it assumes the service is poor or, at the very least, that it turns out to be of no use to you. Before subscribing to a service, put yourself in the shoes of a paying customer who is unhappy with it and wants to get out. How easy (or difficult) is it to do that? What can you do now to avoid thinking in a few months time: ‘if I knew then what I know now – I’d never have signed up in the first place’. Imagine it’s a disaster; you don’t want to regret spending large sums of money that are unlikely to be refunded. So, don’t fork out big sums in advance, regardless of how tempting any introductory offers might be. Always opt for the first month at a high price and then sign up for the cheaper six month or annual deal if you really like it. Don’t buy any custom software without trying it first. Even if you’re in a live chat room and can see signals being generated, it’s important to use proprietary software yourself to ensure that it works for you. If you assume the worst and the worst then happens, you won’t be too surprised and, hopefully, you’ll be suitably prepared and able to extricate yourself from the relationship with minimal financial loss.

And Finally . . .
Understand and accept that there is no (guaranteed) simple short cut to great wealth. If there was a way of paying out a modest monthly fee and guaranteeing a profit month in and month out consistently, then everyone would know about it and sign up! With most alerts services (but not all), there will be a large degree of discretion involved in terms of how you use the information provided. It’s entirely possible – likely even - that two subscribers to the same service will have completely different results. One trader will make money consistently and think the service is great, while the other loses money consistently and think that it’s pants. In most cases, it’s not a black and white situation whereby all customers either make or lose money. Ultimately, even with an alerts service, the responsibility for your trades and the profits or losses they generate, rests with you alone and not with the vendor. Good luck in finding the service that’s right for you!
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Can you Recommend a (Forex) Alert Service?


If you find other threads, Articles or sites on your travels around the net that are relevant to this FAQ, please add a link to them in this thread, outlining what it is that you like about them. Thanks!

115% Profitable System!!!
The first post by shadowninja is an excellent spoof of the sort of site that the scam merchants use to sell fantasies to the gullible. You have been warned!

None here? If you find a good one, let us know and we’ll add it!

Newspapers & Tip Sheets sorted by highest rated.

This site is a good example of a profesionally run service that ticks most of the boxes listed in the Long Answer. It's run by Dan Zanger who is one of the world's most successful traders. He publishes an alerts service for swing traders of U.S. equities called 'The Zanger Report'. However, please note that this is most emphatically NOT a recommendation to subscribe to it. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that you will make any money if you do! As always, proceed with extreme caution, undergo due diligence and heed the wise Latin warning: ‘caveat emptor’. No exceptions!
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You can add new answers, post links to threads/articles/websites of interest or copy/paste posts from existing threads. Our new Content Team will moderate this thread, merging your replies into hopefully a definitive answer to this question.

Not sure if alerts are referring to trading signals, but if you want mobile price alerts or news alerts sent by text to your mobile phone, they are available for free from DailyFX DailyFX | Mobile Alerts
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

FTSE100club seem to be generally reliable.. once you've signed up to the FTSE100 alerts, you get currency alerts as well, as texts to yr mobile. First month free but only FTSE.
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

just did the traders4traders course-excellent
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

Im not into Forex but BabyPips.com have a great learning section (preschool to uni) and for a direct teaching resource and trade room, I hear good things about phil newton... google him.
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

I am new on this forum so my first post on a discussion forum. I have a great signalling service that seems to be going from strength to strength. I came across it by accident when exploring signalling services. I have tried a few and got burnt but this one is great. It uses small stop losses and even though the gains are quite small it is normal to make 50 pips a day, which i have found after reading some threads on here is actually a lot.
I also tried rtc signals but got my money back. They seem decent people and give you a few trades a week by email which often win but you can have some big losses of up to 100 points. They have a trading room but you need to be pinned to the screen to try and listen to what they are saying and often miss trades as they are quick in and out, by the time you get what they are saying and action it the trade has either gone or its already moved and not worth getting in, these are scalping trades. Hope this has helped for the person asking about rtc signals. It was OK and im not downing them but i just happened to find something better and less time consuming.
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

I am using the system from trendprophecy - it's a little expensive but it gives me a nice profit.
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

If you are referring to Forex Price Alert service (and not Forex Trade Alert service), I would recommend a service called iTradeMobile Alert. You can search them up on your iPhone or your Android phone.

I am using it and I have no complaints. It sends alerts via push notification, which is super fast.
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

Hi SP500 Trader
just took a look at trendprophecy website and saw the dreaded words "maximum profits" . This is a way of many many signalling services inflating their so called performance. How exactly do you get the exit signal and what is your performance which is the most impoortant.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "signalling service".. is this a website that tells you when to trade? Does it also tell you how much to trade, and at what point you should exit?
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Hi meanreversion

I am an expert on this subject so can give you some really indepth information on this.
You have a couple of different types of signalling services in their widest range
1. A trading room environment where you listen to what people are doing and follow them when they place trades
2. A text, email service where people get actual trades sent to them or trade set ups if they get to a certain level, some then send text, email when they want you to close them, but not many.
3. A website/visual service where you watch the website which is password protected and they call th signals on the screen and you follow, some but very few tell you also when to get out but not many
4. A web/interactive system where you get tardes through the website but also a quicker method like messenger where you get the trades written to you as they happen. A very few even do exit trades aswell but not many This is the best method.
5. Nobody has really done this yet but i have investigating and have a quote and specification from a software company to have special software that picks up the providers trades and duplicates them on your home computer so you switch on in the morning set the program up put in how much you want to trade per point for the day and you check it again in the evening to see how much you made. What a revolution.

Now as you can see the one thing that hardly any signal provider does is give you exit signals because that would hold them totally accountable and they dont like that. There are few who do but not many. Now lety me explain why. They use the term Maximum points achieved on the trade so their performance figures use these, but its easy to see after the event how far it went and when to get out with maximum points. Noone can do that unfortunately. But it gives these people the chance to show huge profits to lure people in. Take this new advertised signal service from Tom Strignano and Vladimir Ribakov ( hopefully spelt correctly). Tom sends out signals on the screen so you trade. He then gives you 5 or 6 target points. You dont get the close alert from him he says you should decide yourself on exits. Why would he say that if he is giving a signal service. If he is making as he says then why not give the exit signal. The answer is he can show inflated performance but from ewhat i have heard from a colleague of mine has subscribed and its not as seen, the trades nearly always make much less than he claims and often losses. A signal service that provides point 4 and gives you exits and still has a good performance is a gem.
I hope this has helped you and others understand a bit more
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Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

Hi SP500 Trader
just took a look at trendprophecy website and saw the dreaded words "maximum profits" . This is a way of many many signalling services inflating their so called performance. How exactly do you get the exit signal and what is your performance which is the most impoortant.

Hi rogersan
I only trade 3 cross (eur, gbp and jpy against us$) but it's possible to trade up to 7 cross.
I understand what you are saying about 'dreaded words' but you have to read and understand their trading philosophy - because they clearly tells you that the maximum profit is to show the maximum potential for the position not necessary what you will get out of it.
You have to have decide yourself what your exit strategy should be, that is what I like about this system, they honestly tell me that it's not possible for anybody in advance to tell me when to exit a position, they have just found a way to figure out when a new trend starts, the rest is up to myself. I works for me, but maybe not for you, but after trying to look to find a system giving me both entry and exit point I have long ago come to the conclusion that it's an impossible dream - for that I need the famous crystal ball.
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

Ok Thanks sp500. I have just realised that in my quest to learn more about what people are saying on the thread I didnt do what the thread asked and the reason i got involved in it in the first place.

Q. can you recommend a forex alert service
A. Yes i certainly can its the one i am having great success with now for about 5 weeks, the guy is great and everything he says is exactly as it is which as we all know is rare. I have made lots of pips and they just keep coming.

Now i feel better as i have answered the original question
Re: Can you recommend a forex alert service?

I am new on this forum so my first post on a discussion forum. I have a great signalling service that seems to be going from strength to strength. I came across it by accident when exploring signalling services. I have tried a few and got burnt but this one is great. It uses small stop losses and even though the gains are quite small it is normal to make 50 pips a day, which i have found after reading some threads on here is actually a lot.
I also tried rtc signals but got my money back. They seem decent people and give you a few trades a week by email which often win but you can have some big losses of up to 100 points. They have a trading room but you need to be pinned to the screen to try and listen to what they are saying and often miss trades as they are quick in and out, by the time you get what they are saying and action it the trade has either gone or its already moved and not worth getting in, these are scalping trades. Hope this has helped for the person asking about rtc signals. It was OK and im not downing them but i just happened to find something better and less time consuming.

Go on then Rog, put us out of our misery, you didn't tell us what the signalling service is called.

Ta, Simon
Hi, I have asked Rogersan to not post on here even though he was a tester. I have already posted on this forum explaining the differences in signalling services. The reason I have such knoweledge is the service he is aluding to is mine so therefore have asked him not to say. I have not in any of my posts mentioned my service and will continue not to. I try to provide good information on forum topics not use it as a shop window so rog will not be answering. Thanks for understanding in advance I dont want to be on the end of one of those burn the vendor in hell topics that i have see on here as i do everything by the book. Please do watch out though for signalling services as most are terrible. I researched many when setting up mine to see what the competition was like. Yes there is plenty of them but oh my gosh are most of them a disaster.. Regards Paul
I use an excellent trade alert service that provides me with a substantial 2nd income. You get the trade details delivered to your mobile phone including when to exit and how much of your capital to risk and all the trades are in popular markets that most spread betting companies offer. The only caveat is the subscription cost is high although this has now become largely irrelevant because of my account size.

If you want more information about the service please send me a private message as i dont want to be accused of promoting said service.

I have been trying to make money in the financial markets for many years and will continue to do so but making some from them in the meantime has certainly been refreshing.

I know a forex signals service that has been around for 8 years. I use their signals since 5 years and they helped me to make 2nd income beside my work. If anyone interested to know, send me private message