Spreadbetting away from desk / UK


Guest Author
Hello all -

Maybe somebody more tech-aware than I am can help?

I am looking to get some sort of portable device that will connect me to the web from locations in the UK / France away from my desk. Any suggestions of equipment / operating systems that would be particularly suitable?

Please note I want to be able to place / manage spreadbets (with Capital Spreads) using the device, any other functions would be secondary.

Many thanks in advance for suggestions / advice.

Not sure what the Capital Spread app is like, but I reckon it'll be as good as the others. One of mine is Finspreads and I reckon the app gives you a better and more user friendly platform than their main Advantage effort.
Thanks jon.

It seems Caps' app is only available for iPhone and Android devices. Would these be suitable for SB and SB from France etc.? Are they OK for other web activities?
Thanks jon.

It seems Caps' app is only available for iPhone and Android devices. Would these be suitable for SB and SB from France etc.? Are they OK for other web activities?

That's odd if their app is ok for i-phone it'll be ok for i-pad i think, best check again with them? Yeah, ok from France and other web things. You can either connect up via wi-fi "hot spots" for free or have your device with a direct connection (which can be costly)
I'm no lawyer, but in spite of some recent legal changes there, there may still be legal issues involved in spreadbetting from France. There are some, for example, with betting on horses online, from France, using UK bookies' websites. It may be wise, at least, to check that CapSpreads doesn't block French IP numbers (just like so many of the poker sites block US IP numbers, and for basically the same reason.
Wishing you very good luck with it, Tom.

I'd love to know much more about this exact question, myself, and would therefore be really grateful if you can update the thread as/when you learn anything helpful/interesting! :cool:
Hi Tom,

I use a PC, ipad and android phone for trading. I have found that the ipad and android apps can be fine for moving stops and closing positions but I would not plan trades, or open positions with them. There is just not the clarity of information and flexibility of range within the apps and screen size to confidently plan and open trades. So I always plan and open trades with a laptop/desktop and occasionally adjust with mobile devices if required.
I trade with IG, I would imagine my experience with them would be similar to most other co's.


Edit: So I guess if you need to open trades while mobile, I would recommend fast SSD laptop and dongal.
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That's odd if their app is ok for i-phone it'll be ok for i-pad i think, best check again with them? Yeah, ok from France and other web things. You can either connect up via wi-fi "hot spots" for free or have your device with a direct connection (which can be costly)

John I really would not trust many wifi hot spots with any financial passwords, especially in a foreign country were it may be harder to ascertain security.
I'm no lawyer, but in spite of some recent legal changes there, there may still be legal issues involved in spreadbetting from France. There are some, for example, with betting on horses online, from France, using UK bookies' websites. It may be wise, at least, to check that CapSpreads doesn't block French IP numbers (just like so many of the poker sites block US IP numbers, and for basically the same reason.

Caps have replied (though had to send them a reminder) - clients can connect to their platform from anywhere as long as device has web software and good connection.

Decided to go, with a wifi laptop for trading from hols in Europe.

Interested to hear from anyone with good/bad pointers re SB-ing with UK firm while abroad though.
Thanks for the update, Tom. Good luck with this.

That's one problem solved, anyway. That just leaves you with the "French internet connection" issues. I don't know how good/broad a connection you need for CapSpreads' interface. I'd imagine it isn't too demanding, though? I've used it from Malta, and their telecommunications systems over there are really antiquated (apart from in the city centre and the university).
Thanks Alexa, we're not going anywhere rural in France so internet should be OK. Can't wait.